Periodicals, scrollable, with color pictures, 3 pcs
The size of periodicals is about 1.6 x 2.3 cm.
The magazines (or small books) have been implemented in the so-called with the folding technique, i.e. each page consists of two opposite papers.
The color images of the magazines mainly consist of cover images of foreign magazines.
The magazines are broadly divided according to 5 different themes, but there may be exceptions in the content between packages or certain pages.
A: Antiques and collectibles
B: tourism and nature
C: Food, recipes and restaurants
D: Cartoon and fictional characters from books and movies
E: Celebrities and gossip. Please note, this collection includes pictures of, among others, Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson, but also a leaflet named DIY. Marilyn's pictures are somewhat revealing of the spirit of that time.